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Flu season is here, how to save on the Flu Shot
Most people associate flu season with winter but it can last for up to half a year, depending upon your location. It typically starts in October, and continues until May. It peaks in mid-winter, December, January, and February. Flu season usually remains constant, though peak often changes. Some areas in the country can have an outbreak of a large number of cases while others may experience a few cases in the same week. For example, 2020-21flu season lasted for 7 months, and there were more than 23,000 flu-related deaths. An estimated 41 to 57 million Americans were affected during the flu season. Flu should not be taken lightly, as it is not just a common sickness but a draining one. Young children, elderly, and pregnant women are especially at a high risk.
To protect yourself from getting the flu, you should avoid people who have flu-like symptoms, wash your hands often with soap and water, and cover your nose and mouth while coughing or sneezing. Flu symptoms include feeling feverish, cough, and tiredness. Also, regularly clean and disinfectant commonly used surfaces, and avoid touching your face, mouth, and eyes. To ensure robust protection against flu, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends flu shots for everyone six months or older. Elderly with no contraindications should receive the flu vaccination each year.
CDC recommends yearly flu vaccination
You should get the flu shot each year because the flu virus or influenza changes each year. The vaccine is updated each year to match with the new strain circulating the season. Sometimes, there could be more than one strain circulating the peak season, you may be recommended a vaccine that is effective in treating all those strains. Some vaccines are trivalent, meaning they offer protection against three flu virus stains, while others are quadrivalent vaccines provide protection from four influenza stains. People above 65 years of age are recommended higher dose vaccines. CDC also recommends yearly vaccination as your immune system needs increased protection against the flu virus each year to treat its strains. Many people refrain from getting the flu shot due to cost. It may cost you anything from $17 to $32, depending upon the brand, and location.
Get up to 75% discount flu vaccines and other medications at 65,000 pharmacies
However, you can still offset the cost of flu vaccination with the help of the EZRX medications savings card. The Free prescription savings card is available to all, irrespective of their age, heath condition, income, or insurance status. The free medications savings card can be used at over 65,000 partner pharmacies, including your local pharmacy, and brand name pharmacies, such as Walgreens, CVS, Target, Safeway, and Winn Dixie. You can get up to 75% discount off flu shots and all other prescription medications. While the flu shots viz. Fluzone and Flublok are most common, nasal spray FluMist may be prescribed by the doctor in some cases. Simply search for your flu vaccine on the EZRX website or app, check drug prices at a local pharmacy near you, and head to the pharmacy with your EZRX card, or ask the pharmacy to process your card at the time of purchase.
Get your free medications savings card
EZRX medications discount card is absolutely free for all, no signup is required, and there are no renewal charges. It has no expiration whatsoever, and your whole family can use the card to save on their medication costs. To get your free EZRX card, just send the keyword “EZRX” to phone number (844) 774-6337. You will get your free digital medications savings card that you can begin using right away, as it is provided activated. EZRX medications savings card can be used for an unlimited number of fills and refills as there are no caps whatsoever. Whether you are insured, uninsured, or underinsured, you will find the medications savings card to be very helpful in lowing your prescription medication costs.
Save significantly on your medication costs
EZRX medications savings card can be used to save on medication costs with insurance, as it works independently of your health insurance. For all those medications which are not covered by your insurance, or for which you have high copays or out-of-pocket expenses, you can use your EZRX medications savings card, and save significantly on the costs of your medications. Those who are underinsured, or not insured at all, can use EZRX card as a flu vaccination discount card to save on flu shots, and also to save on the costs of all other medications. Not only you, but your entire family can use EZRX card as flu vaccine card, and also to save on the costs of their all other prescription medications.
Disclaimer: The information and content posted on this website is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used as a replacement for medical advice. Always seek medical advice from a medical professional for diagnosis or treatment, including before embarking on and/or changing any prescription medication or for specific medical advice related to your medical history.