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Get Flu Shots at a Discounted Price and Save for Your Entire Family
Flu is a contagious respiratory illness that makes up to 8% of the US population sick every year. Caused by the influenza virus, it can result in complications like pneumonia, in addition to common fever, cough, chills, body ache, and fatigue. As per recent data by the National Foundation for Infectious Disease, more than 970,000 people were hospitalized in the year 2022-23 for flu-related symptoms, with 81% of unvaccinated children having severe complications due to flu.
The following group of people are more likely to get flu:
• Immunocompromised
• Those having Asthma
• Heart Patients
• Diabetics
• Pregnant
• Aged under 2 or over 65
To save yourself from getting infected with flu, you should avoid sick people, wash hands often with soap and water, and cover coughs and sneezes. The flu shot is the best way to prevent flu. This once-a-year immunization can keep you from getting infected from the flu this year, and can be taken before the flu virus becomes widespread. A flu shot or flu vaccine works by training your immune system on how to fight the flu virus. Adjuvants in flu vaccines help boost your vaccine response, while formaldehyde kills viruses when making vaccines.
Flu vaccines usually contain parts of influenza virus, and have been named accordingly. These are;
Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine (LAIV): It contains a tiny amount of live virus, and provides longer-lasting protection.
Inactivated Influenza Vaccine: It contains dead virus, and is safer for those who can’t get LAIV.
Recombinant Influenza Virus (RIV): It is made with synthetic or lab-made virus.
Different variants of flu shot
If you are currently sick with a fever, sore throat, or cough, consider taking a flu shot. Moreover, if you are aged 65 or older, flu vaccine will help keep you protected from its potential infection. Flu shots should be taken at the end of October to ensure protection from the peak flu season of mid-winter. It is typically administered via an injection into the deltoid muscle of the shoulder. Some flu vaccines are trivalent, which means they offer protection from three strains of influenza, while a quadrivalent flu shot offers protection against four influenza strains. Flu vaccine is updated each year to combat the most current influenza strain. High dose of flu vaccine, viz. Fluzone High Dose Quadrivalent, contains a high dose of virus, which is often given to people over 65 years of age, who are at a higher risk of infection.
Get flu shot at an attractive discounted price
You can get flu shots at your doctor’s office, pharmacy, or medical clinic. Some people get 100% protection from the flu with a vaccine, but its efficacy will vary depending upon other factors also, and will certainly significantly reduce the severity of symptoms even if one gets infected. Depending upon the brand and the type of vaccine, the cost of a flu vaccine can vary from $25 to $90. However, with the EZRX drug card, you can get your flu shot with up to 75% discount from a branded or local pharmacy near you. The pharmacy discount card is provided free of cost to all with no upfront registration costs or renewal charges.
To get your free and activated EZRX drug card, just send the keyword “EZRX” to phone number (844) 774-6337. You will be provided with a free and activated card, that you can begin using right away to save on your flu shot costs, and all other prescription costs. It’s not only you, but your entire family can use the same EZRX drug card to save on flu shot costs. So, by using EZRX medicine savings card for your entire family, you can save up to $100 or even more, depending upon the brand of flu shot, and the pharmacy from which you get your vaccine.
You can check drug prices at our website, and head to a branded or local pharmacy offering you the lowest price of flu vaccine. The EZRX pharmacy discount card can be used for an unlimited number of prescription fills and refills for yourself and your entire family, as the pharmacy discount card has no caps on prescription fills and refills. That way, you can use thousands each year by using an EZRX card to fill prescriptions for your entire family. Moreover, the card can be used even if you have health insurance to get all the medicines at a discounted price that are not covered by your insurance, that have high copays, or if you are in the Medicare Part D Donut Hole.
Disclaimer: The information and content posted on this website is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used as a replacement for medical advice. Always seek medical advice from a medical professional for diagnosis or treatment, including before embarking on and/or changing any prescription medication or for specific medical advice related to your medical history.